I’m Back!

Sorry for the little delay!

Oh my… It’s been since August 6 that I have published any blogs! I can’t believe it!!! The months really goes by quickly when you are super busy!

As some of you may know, I got engaged in July, and since then there has been a whirlwind of events and changes going on. I had to take a step back from the computer, as my fitness classes were taking off. I have to say, although things are going great, and it has been nice change being so busy, I am really excited to have a little more free time on my hands to do some things for myself. I know the lull in excitement is only going to last so long, so I better get to work while I do have this free time on my hands. I am excited to be able to start sharing my recipes and fitness/health tips for all of you, again! (aside from the time I spend on Pinterest trying to figure out how the hell to plan a wedding… a whole different story in itself…)

So, again, I am sorry for the delay, but over the next few weeks, I will be back to sharing recipes, tips, workouts, and anything else you may be interested in! Stay tuned! 🙂